Air conditioning has been a way of life for Australians for many generations, and we could not imagine life without it. Still, at a time when it’s still being debated whether or not air conditioning should be a requirement in schools (four new Sydney schools built without air conditioning has been labelled shortsighted) or sport stadiums (after 2018 saw the hottest day of Test cricket in Australia, there have been calls for better climate-proof stadiums) – it is important to remind us all why air conditioning is so important.
Reported by Scientific American, in 2012 US researchers Amar Cheena and Vanessa M. Patrick studied the effect of heat on decision-making and concluded that the human body uses up more glucose – the fundamental source of physical and mental energy – in order to cool down in hot temperature conditions, depleting the amount of glucose that can be used for cognitive processes.
In other words, your body is working too hard to keep from overheating and cannot concentrate on other non-vital tasks.
With evaporative air conditioning in use, the mind is free to focus on tasks instead of survival.
Recent scientific research has shown that the air within homes and other buildings can be more polluted than outdoor air, even in industrialised cities. Lack of fresh outside air circulating inside can result in a build-up of pollutants to levels that can pose health risks, especially to those suffering from respiratory diseases, such as asthma.
CoolBreeze evaporative air conditioners replenish the air in the home with fresh, naturally cooled air, which doesn’t dry out the skin and eyes and can make life more enjoyable for hay fever and asthma sufferers.
CoolBreeze evaporative air conditioners work by drawing in fresh outside air and filtering it through water-saturated filter panels – this both naturally cools the air and filters out airborne dust and pollen.
Air conditioning in offices, homes, shopping centres and leisure centres is critical to ensure comfort and productivity. As discussed earlier, cooler temperatures impact on human cognitive function. Additionally, many day-to-day activities such as exercise, shopping or driving would be impossible without climate control.
Lower temperatures help reduce sweating, which in turn reduces the risk of dehydration.
For some vulnerable members of the population, such as young children and the elderly, heat waves bring a very real threat of death from dehydration or overheating.
Evaporative air conditioners bring temperatures down, without drying out skin or eyes – a common side-effect from refrigerated air conditioning systems.
CoolBreeze Evaporative Air Conditioners are manufactured in Perth, and have been cooling homes across Australia for over a quarter of a century. Get a quote today!